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Veronik Menanteau


Visual Artist and writer, I started practicing Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo more than twenty-five years ago when my husband got an accident while he was a reporter and became quadriplegic. His accident made me question the deep meaning of life. I wanted to learn why we are here, and what is the main purpose and what we have really to express into our life. Learning and practicing Integral Yoga brought me some deep answer on how we can transform and evolve Consciousness. Through all those years I learn how to create and manifest Joy in all aspect of the life.

As a seeker of Integral yoga we accept the value of cosmic existence and holds it to be the reality, its object is to enter higher truth-consciousness in which action and creation are the expressions of Joy (Ananda).

Integral Yoga is a Spiritual Adventure, and much value is given to the waking realization and experience of life. We realize more than ever how being alive is sacred and how infinite beauty keep manifesting at each second!


Vernonik Meanteau, meditating
Recent art work
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